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Create Presentations that Sell with the

6 Box Matrix & Increase Your Sales by

20% in The Next 90 Days!

Get the Tools to Persuade Your Clients to Say Yes!

You’re about to get the inside track on a Presentation Formula to master unconscious influence (and how to evoke it and control it) that few people in history have ever been able to figure out on their own...


Unconscious influence will help you shift the control of every sales meeting and presentation.

Most Salespeople “Tell” their prospect a lot of information, but few take control of the "FRAME" offer a “Perspective Shift” that leads to Action!


Our strategy seeks for understanding and trust. We provide solutions to connect with people emotionally and create action.



2 Day Live Presentation Training in Chicago

April 23rd & 24th or

May 1st & 2nd

​Now $1,460

Get Enrolled...

Before The Price Goes Up! April 10th - $1,960

By Understanding How To Frame How
Someone “Sees” You... You Can Turn
The Influence Dynamic On Its Head


No longer will you have to "work" at influencing others.




You and your ideas will be readily accepted.


Favors and special opportunities will be given to you.


Invitations and acceptance will be granted to you where they are not to others.

And don't be surprised if someone you spend just a few hours with starts confiding things in you that they've never felt comfortable divulging to anyone else in their life.


Not because you made them do it -- or anything particular you said.

But, because you will be one of the very, very few people on Earth who actually knows how to consciously frame the way other people “see” you and respond to you.


That is known as FRAME CONTROL.


As in: Having conscious control over the point-of-view (POV) of how others “see” you and respond to you.


As well as having conscious control over other people’s expectations about you (i.e., with frame control you get to set an expectation that you are worth listening to and your ideas are the best to follow).


Frame control also allows you to create your own meaning or "own reality" out of any experience... out of anything that is said to you... and... by extension... allows you to...


Make Others "Work" For Your
Approval And Acceptance


So they try to please you; instead of you trying to please them.


Once you know how to "switch" the frame (the POV) through which people see you and respond to you -- you get to take back control of the dynamic of any conversation... any communication... and every... human interaction.


That gives you POWER. (You must use this ethically and responsibly)



It also gives you access to life experiences that are beyond what most other people are able to create for themselves.


Of course, it's one thing to talk about all this frame control stuff "on a computer screen"; it's very different to show how frame control is used in REAL LIVE "high-stakes" situations.


Here’s a secret insight hardly anyone knows about:


When you speak and communicate information in verbal form you are activating the frontal part of your brain (which is also called the neo-cortex if you want to get all fancy about it).


The frontal (the neo-cortex) part of your brain is the logical, analytical, thinking part of the brain. It’s necessary for you to “think through” what information you want to verbalize and how you want to structure the information you deliver.


Which is good, right?


We wouldn’t be the modern human beings we are today with iPhones, mathematical equations, feats of engineering and so on, without the frontal lobe (neo-cortex part of our brain).



...(and here’s the BIG BUT)...


When your verbal message is RECEIVED by another person it FIRST goes through the most primitive part of the brain (the brain stem – or what is often called the reptilian part of the brain).

This Primitive Part of the Brain Called the Lymbic Brain Only Has 1 Job to Protect Us!


When it encounters you it asks 3 questions:

  1. Do I want to kill it?

  2. Do I want to eat it?

  3. Do I want to mate with it?


Neuroscientist say that we make decisions up to 6 seconds before our neo-cortex kicks in and provides logic around why we've made the decision.

You Can Take Control Of The Frame Other People WITHOUT Them Ever Being Aware Of It


These Frame Control Strategies Give You The Ability To Grab Anyone's Attention:

The Better You Are At Engaging, Communicating And Controlling The Dynamic Of A Group Of People... The More Engaging And Persuasive  You Become In All Sales And Business Interactions

Most Sales Professionals "Tell" They Don't Sell

​Here is What Most Sales People are Missing...

Most sales people concentrate all their effort on being great at product knowledge.  Stanford did a study that said only 12.5% of your success is base on product knowledge.  87.5% of your success is based on your ability to communicate.


The solution?


1 - Be a Great Story Teller

Learn and master the 5 types of stories that will grab your audiences attention, change their beliefs and pace and lead them through your presentation.


2 - Have a Big Idea

How do you take a stand of what you're for and what you're against.  People are attracted to polarity.  Nobody likes a fence sitter.


3 - Start with Why

The cliche has turned into "Start with Why".  Learn the 100 year old hypnotic secrets to get anybody to start saying yes.


4- Shift Perspective

You're not going to get anyone to change what their doing and go with you, your product, your company and your solution unless you create some sort of discomfort of how their currently doing business.  You need to REFRAME the way their currently doing business and FRAME UP how you manufacture your solution. 


5 - Display How You Solve Their Problem

Your solution gets them something their missing out on or something they are going to lose.  What are the X Factors of your product.


6 - Close

Most sales people don't close.  They never ask for the order. 


These 6 Musts In Any Sales

Interaction are Summed Up In...

2 Day Live Presentation Training in Chicago

April 23rd & 24th or

May 1st & 2nd

​Now $1,460

Get Enrolled...

Before The Price Goes Up! April 10th - $1,960

The 6 Box Matrix™ is Battle Tested

  • 13,000+ Sales Meetings

  • 100,000+ Cold Calls

  • 2,000+ Presentations

  • 20,000 Financial Professionals Trained


The 6 Box Matrix™ is Results Tested


I have raised...

  • Over $1 Billion as a Wholesaler

  • Millions as an Advisor

  • Millions in Assets Under Management

  • Millions in Cash Value Life Insurance

  • Millions in Annuities

  • Raised Millions from Banks for M&A Deals

  • Raised Millions in Mezz Debt for M&A Deals

Time Is Of The Essence

Here are 2 reasons why...


We're running the price special only good

through April 9th! The day after that you'll have

to pay full boat.


In all likelihood, we won't run an Open

Enrollment again.




Because my financial business is going crazy

right now.  I will only have time for companies who

want to bring me in to train their whole team.

​Now $1,460

Get Enrolled...

Before The Price Goes Up! April 10th - $1,960

2 Day Live Presentation Training in Chicago

April 23rd & 24th or

May 1st & 2nd

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Seat Now Before They’re All Gone!


Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Matt Linklater


P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:


I’m hosting a 2 day 6 Box Matrix presentation class on how I raised over $1 Billion as a wholesaler.


We're running a special through April 9th with a price reduction from $1,997 to $1,497.



What’s important about this is it doesn’t use any pressure, convincing, or any of the typical stuff you might associate with “sales”. (And it simply works better.)


This is a very limited offer because I don't know if I'll have time to run an open enrollment class again.

2 Day Live Presentation Training in Chicago

April 23rd & 24th or

May 1st & 2nd

​Now $1,460

Get Enrolled...

Before The Price Goes Up! April 10th - $1,960

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